Your plan to use a solar pool heating system in the home, hotel or health center is a very reasonable and admirable decision from the angle of usability and long-term energy savings. In the North American countries like USA and Canada, where the climate condition remains too cold to foggy, there is enough reason to take advantage of the unlimited solar energy for the pool heating needs during the summer and manage home/space heating and domestic hot water in the winter months. 5 Point Guide for Solar Pool Heating Buyers As a first time buyer, you can always seek assistance from the supplier to guide you on the right kind of solar pool heating system. But some of them have limited stock of the type of pool heating system they deal with. Below is a 5-point guide to pick the most perfect solar pool heating system for your use: 1. Two Major Options: - In the whole world, there are normally two major kinds of solar pool heating systems available. The 1st ty...